I found some past posts from before we moved here yesterday... God had clearly told me that he was going before us and everything would be ok. Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of this. I have felt like I was going through this journey, they darkness all alone. Even though I feel like I am in the winter season (spiritually), in the cold and dark... I found this online, " These are times when we will not feel like very good Christians. We won't be sharing the gospel. We might not even feel like the gospel has any personal meaning. Church won't have much appeal and you probably won't be reading your Bible during a spiritual winter." This is where I am right now. " A "spiritual winter" is a time when you faith is challenged. External and internal factors make you re-evaluate what you believe about God and who God is." This winter is a time of growth, the roots of the tree grow deeper and stronger during winter. When we think everything is "sleeping" and nothing is happening, so much is happening beneath the surface. Even though I don't feel like a very good Christian right now and have not been doing all the "things" good Christians do, I have been crying out to God in my heart... crying out in pain, in desperation, and without me even knowing, anticipation. Although winter seems like it will never end (especially here in Germany), spring will eventually come again. Spring is new life, spring is renewal, spring is awakening, spring is light and warmth, new growth... I am going through winter, but I know spring is on the horizon! To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
God is in the lead...
Monday, February 27, 2012
Be careful what you wish for....
Friday, February 24, 2012
For every negative ...a positive!
Some days it takes all I have...
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Joy comes in the morning...and morning is WHENEVER you wake up!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
So make a difference!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A new day...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
What me worry??
Friday, February 17, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
a little thing can make a big difference!

Funny how something as small as a new haircut can make you feel so much better! I decided today to cut ALOT of my hair off and totally change the color. Spur of the moment decision and It just made me feel refreshed. A fresh start, a new beginning. It's a feeling of empowerment...if I can change my hair, why can't I change other things in my life? I won't be lost behind "labels" and "expectations" anymore. Yes I am a mom, but who says I have to look and dress like one? Yes, I am 38, but that doesn't mean I am old and my life is over. Yes, I don't really like where we live right now but that doesn't mean I can't make the most of the time here. Now the hard part...Remembering this feeling!! When I seem to forget can someone please remind me ;)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
And so it begins!!
Here is a copy of the letter I wrote...I could have gone into much more detail but kept it relatively simple for them to understand...
Problems with radiometric dating…
Two main forms of scientific evidence to prove that the earth is a fairly young planet are carbon 14 and the discovery of helium atoms in crystals. The ways that these two things point to a new planet are that carbon 14 half-life is roughly 5000 years, which means its full decay is roughly 10000 years. If the earth was billions of years old there would be no carbon 14 left in coal and diamonds today. The other way we see this is with helium atoms still stuck in crystals. Helium is an element that escapes the object that it is enclosed in fairly quick. If the earth were billions of years old there would surely be no helium atoms still left in these crystals today. According to RATE, “It takes 5,730 years for half of a carbon 14 to decay. It would then take another 5,730 years for another half carbon to decay. If the earth were billions of years old, there would be no carbon 14 left in objects”. This is especially significant as diamonds are the hardest metal found on earth. According to the Rate research they suggest that the way scientist tested isotope dating to view rocks was skewed. They suggest that the earth is billions of years old. They Rate research found that there has been accelerated nuclear decay that occurred in the past and that is what makes a rock that’s less than 10 thousand years old appear to be very old. According to Dr. Chapmen and Bob Jones research students, “When the strength of the nuclear force is changing, it can suddenly change the wave function for the alpha particle” (Rate). This defines how the rocks could have been accelerated decay. There is also evidence for the beta atoms. They can detect them in laboratories. There is half-life in these beta atoms. An example would include water leaking out of a water bottle. You find the rate of which the water is coming out of the bottle. So, overall there is scientific evidence of a young earth perspective and that is not surprising. These and other evidences suggest that the decay rate has accelerated. So if this is the case why are we to still assume that it took millions of years to create fossil fuels? A straightforward reading of the Bible strongly implies a young age for the earth. A young earth model is internally consistent and makes sense of Biblical data. Most old earth views ignore or force alternate interpretations of scripture. The motivation for nearly all old earth theories is the accommodate scientific date. Much of the fossil record was formed during the flood and shortly after the flood and associated events, thus, the geological column either provides evidence of a global flood or it is evidence for the millions of years. It cannot be both. Current scientific evidence leaves open the possibility of a young age for the earth and universe. Plain meaning of scripture implies a young age for the earth and universe. Matter, energy, laws called to exist but subject to decay since the fall. In the evolution model, matter, energy and laws came from nothing to form subatomic particles and the complex forms of matter. So your argument of “generally accepted theory” may very well be flawed.
Mrs. Kelly Eckert
Student of Creation Studies