Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A little about me...

Since those reading this are more than likely only on my friends list I can skip the basic info :) You should all know my name, where I live and how many kids I have. If not my name is Kelly, I live in Katterbach, Germany and have 3 kids. We moved to Germany almost ten months ago and it still does not feel like home. Hubby is the First Sergeant of D co 5-158th but will shortly be moving to work at Garrison. For those who are unfamiliar with Army lingo this is basically the people who keep post running smoothly. This means he will NOT deploy and will have normal work hours!! We haven't experienced this in over 15 years! We aren't quite sure what department he will be working with, but he has been personally requested by a lieutenant colonel to work with him. I am a senior at Liberty University and should be finished with my Bachelors degree in Religious studies (with minors in Christian counseling and church ministries) by this time next year. I would LOVE to work with a children's ministry. I miss the kids in Children's church and M'pact girls back home! My life right now revolves around my family, the few select friends I have here, and school. I am not sure what God has planned for us here... or if it is meant as a time to focus on family and recharge for when we return to Georgia. I have learned a lot of painful lessons about people here and I know that it is all a lesson and a test for future ministry. I will say that being on a VERY small post you are forced to learn the ins and outs of mankind, the good and sadly the bad. I am forced to remember that a lot of people here are brand new to the Army and just don't know. I am forced to remember that many people here don't know Jesus and, even though they don't know it, are being used by Satan. I am forced to learn to pray for them and love them, though I must admit I am loving from afar. I have also been forced to learn that not all friendships are forever and have let this hurt me more than it should. Ok...enough for today. Off to clean the kitchen, do some laundry and work on school work! Stay warm my friends in Germany and enjoy your nice weather to my friends in Georgia! Until tomorrow!

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